You are very welcome to support our vision by prayer. Every little thing we do is totally dependent on the blessing of our Heavenly Father. Please pray for wisdom for all decisions that have to be made and for all team members to stay in good health.
If you would like to support us financially, you can make donations via bank transfer to this account below. Please add "donation for edcwm" as a reference:
edcwm c/o ChristusZentrum
IBAN DE19 7005 3070 0031 3308 89
Your donation will help to cover expenses that we have in order to prepare for the conference. All team members are volunteers for this project. We have to cover our own costs for travel, material and advertisement. We will also have our interpreters' costs to cover during the conference, too.
As we are co-operating with the ChristusZentrum Olching, which is a German recognized charity organization, your donation is tax deductable. In order to receive a donation certificate as a proof to your tax authority, we need your name, date and amount of the donation and your post address. Please send this information via email.
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Mit freundlicher Unterstützung / Supported by
xhope - freikirchliche Gemeinde e.V.
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